
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

  "Punchworthy feeds our deepest Freudian wishes!" --Entertainment

  "The consumate rocker's rocker. Charming, personable... a sucking void of inescapable inner turmoil."

Thursday, September 29, 2005

why "punchworthy"?

It is late. (check first thing off of standard blog-entry list.. "mention how late it is". check.)

It isn't as late as however late my post-clock says it is, but I can't seem to figure out how to correctly set the time. (Look forward to more fascinating posts about this in the future. Also, in other clock news, how I really need a new alarm clock, but I keep refusing to get one because I'm sentimentally attached to this one. Plus, it has HUGE numbers. And I am like, totally blind.)

I am posting not because it's a sane thing to be doing at this hour of the night, but because, in honor of Deb's telling me that I was thinking about it to much and just post already.. I am.

So I thought I'd go ahead and answer the (unasked) question, "why 'punchworthy'?"

Punchworthy is a word that I made up to describe how I feel about pretty much all the comments that I make on other people's blogs.

Inevitably, whether I'm being clever, or being profound, or whatever.. after I listen to the sound of my own voice (or whatever it is that you do when you read your own typing.. "read the transcript of my own internal monologue"..) for a bit, I really want to punch me. Right in the mouth.

I am sure that many of you will understand--most of you, I'm sure, also wanting to punch me in the mouth after almost any period of time in which I talk. (Having now started a blog, I fully expect there to be a line at my door by morning.)

I *may* adopt a system for my posts whereby I label them, right up front, as complete garbage ("Why *do* they put a different number of hotdog buns in the bun package than there are hotdogs in the hotdog package, anyhow..!?") or as horribly pretentious ("and so, I think we can all see why the government should adopt *my* plan for blahbitty-blah-blah..."). But I don't promise.

Might be more fun just to conduct secret research to see which one gets me smacked more often.

There can also be a rating scale for the /intensity/ of the smacking.

I have to go to bed now. Because I am really tired, and I am not going to be doing anymore work tonight. And because Deb (hi hon! lookit! I'm a'bloggin'!) will ask me what on earth I thought I was doing at 12:30 at night, with a big pile of things to do and not near enough currency in the sleep-bank, yammering on stupidly about stupidy-stupid. And right she'll be!

Next time I'll either delve into what the expectations should be for "Christian art" or I'll talk about an interesting new toothbrushing technique that I've discovered.

And the world held it's breath...

(that last comment is in no way intended to reflect on the effectiveness of the above-referred-to brushing technique. that's just a coincidence.)


(oh! and hey! here's how to change the post time! Well now i feel really silly.. i guess**BIFF!!**... ...Gwngnt mwebddy!)


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