
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

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Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome to Aught 7, ever'body!

It's New Year's day. I'm off work, everyone is off school. The girls are napping--recovering from a long night of frivolity and fun, and other things not-so-full of frivol but still fun. The Henry's came over last night, and we played my new boardgame "Ark of the Covenant" (nods to Dave), and had delicious pie, and some duck, and dips, and we also found out that Deb and I are Quakers. Who knew..!? After the ladies couldn't take anymore, Josh and I had a good discussion.. or at least a discussion.. it was pretty late.. about apostolic authority and things related (which would be, I think, roughly everything).

Pre-New Year's, in the hole between today and Christmas, I got the opportunity to devote a chunk of one day to meditation and prayer. First time in a long time that I've just sat down with a pad of paper, and God (and some coffee, of course), and made a list, and then just prayed it out.

I was a crazy-long list. It took a long time. At least two hours, probably more. But, it was fruitful. I felt like God had a lot of stuff to say to me about a lot of folks, and relationships, and situations.

Then, after I worked my way through it all--even as I was working through--I was kind of overwhelmed by how much there was to pray for. How much there was to be aware of. How difficult it is to keep constantly bringing all of this stuff to the front of my mind, and in front of the throne. (which is why, of course, I don't do it so often) I think this helped me remember a few important things:

1. I can't possibly control/manage all of the things that I prayed about. (If I could, I wouldn't need to pray about them.)

2. I need to remember not to try to. Not to take responsibility for outcomes.

3. If I spent more time living the details of this prayer, I could spend a lot less time saying it.

Not really a resolution. Just some thoughts for the New Year.


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