
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

  "Punchworthy feeds our deepest Freudian wishes!" --Entertainment

  "The consumate rocker's rocker. Charming, personable... a sucking void of inescapable inner turmoil."

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Because Josh graciously spotted me a little server space, and apparently because I like people seeing me at my worst, I've posted a few snippets of song ideas on the web. So, if you like horrible recordings of poorly played guitar and muttered/howled non-lyrics into the on-board microphone of a laptop computer... these will be right up your alley:

Short. Decent volume. Decent idea. Decent humming.

Short. LOUD. Distorted. Cute Rock. No humming. Kids in background.

Long. Very quiet. Mangled acoustic guitar. Best idea. So-so humming.

Especially if you are one of my song-writing-ish friends, maybe this will be interesting to you. And now, we return you to "Radical Orthodoxy," which has degenerated to me and Dave talking
about Grover.


At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to read that stuff on RO, but I must admit it is a bit confusing. Maybe if they could write it in normal everyday speech I could understand I would join.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger caparoon said...

Hey, these people haven't spent the last 25 years of their lives going to college just so they can talk normally! Getting to make up your own words is a priviledge bestowed upon those who are willing to put in the *time*!

; ]

Who are you, Cori? Random surfer, or someone I actually know?

At 6:00 AM, Blogger mr_eric said...

they say bots are getting smarter...cori was here and at my page 7 min later..

At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not exactly a random sufer. I came upon Mr. Eric's blog first and he has a link to yours. I found most of what you said interesting and a lot of it funny so I stuck around waiting for the right time to put in my 2 cents.

I went to college also, but I don't use bigs word that confuse everybody. :)

At 8:17 AM, Blogger caparoon said...

Well hi, and welcome to the neighborhood. It always freaks me out a little when people appear out of the ether to read my personal thoughts/rants/etc, but such is the blogoshpere, right? I'm glad you've found things interesting and/or funny. I hope it brings something positive to your day.


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