not substantive
This post is not substantive. Just want to get that out in the open, right up front.
If you want substance, go check out the comments section of the "label thyself" post, where I am almost sort-of trying to start an in-depth discussion of neo/radical-orthodoxy with Brant. (who may or may not actually notice)
No, this post is just a post-turkey-day post, designed to let everybody know what we're up to.
We aren't up to much.
We had 3 nice days with Deb's family, including some seriously delicious food, and some boardgaming. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins, and were relatively well-behaved, even though we let them stay up WAY past bedtime more than one night. Due to the unseasonably warm weather, we had the traditional turkey and gravy one day, and ribs on the grill the next evening! Woo!
Then we came home Saturday afternoon, and worked in the yard. I managed to get the lawnmower started again--I will have to get it tuned up by a real mechanic here soon, but in the meantime, it serves to make me feel good every time I coax it to life. Nothing like engineering examples of your own competency. We mulched and raked up a bunch of leaves and took them off to the ditch. Matthew did a nice job manning a rake, and pretty much cleaned up the back yard himself. Then Deb ordered a pizza, and we went & picked it up! Excellent day.
This morning we went to church (Emma in her pajamas, because her class was having a pajama party), and then aferward to get groceries. And this afternoon we are hanging out doing not much. Markus has a buddy over, Deb is doing homework, and the rest of us are looking busy so that no one gives us a job.
And speaking of jobs... almost that time again. Maybe I'll blast through my email tonight so I've got a 2hr jump on the day tomorrow. Maybe.
Down-time pulls us into reflection, and reflection melancholy, so I know that this next week could be a real doozy. I'm going to take a good shot at not dropping into what I like to call "the existential funk". Sloow and steady, Chief.. you can do this thing.
And if not, there's only about 3 more weeks til Christmas vacation!
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