
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

  "Punchworthy feeds our deepest Freudian wishes!" --Entertainment

  "The consumate rocker's rocker. Charming, personable... a sucking void of inescapable inner turmoil."

Monday, November 13, 2006

Master of the House

Markus. On the recent letter from our sponsored child being to me, instead of everyone else...

Markus: If it's to everyone, why did he say just you?
Me: Because I'm the head of the household.
Markus: {puzzled} You're the head of the household..?
Me: Yeah.
Markus: I thought Mom was head of the household. She's here the most...
Me: No, I am. It's not who's here the most.
Markus: Why are you the head of the household?
Me: Because I'm the husband and the father.
Markus: {incredulous} Is that all it takes!?
Me: What do you mean, "Is that all it takes"!? I'm the husband and father!
Markus: I just.. I thought you had to have some kind of qualifications or something...
Me: Hey..! I've got qualifications... punk!
Markus: hee hee hee...


At 6:45 AM, Blogger caparoon said...

Yeah. It's nice to start seeing fruit from all these seeds of weirdness I've been planting.

Last night I told them all we were going to Pluto for scouts, because, since it's downgrade from planet status, their calendar has really cleared up and they are offering terrific rates.

At 8:14 AM, Blogger mr_eric said...

LOL. good one.

sounds familiar. substitute 'stepfather' for 'father' and you'll get a taste of what's going on in aurora.

it's neverending

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Bill Lewis said...

I can envision you wandering through your environs proclaiming "I'm the pater familias!" to everyone/noone...

At 10:17 AM, Blogger caparoon said...

Can you also envision me learning a foreign language?

If so, I have the name of at least one very frustrated language instructor who can set you straight. : ]


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