
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

  "Punchworthy feeds our deepest Freudian wishes!" --Entertainment

  "The consumate rocker's rocker. Charming, personable... a sucking void of inescapable inner turmoil."

Tuesday, April 03, 2007



Okay, so it wasn't at the state fairgrounds, and it wasn't ROCK FOR TURKEY.. but it did, in fact, rock. And it was on Sunday.

Two of four ain't bad.

Dan, Henry, Rachel, Bryon and I did, I think, a pretty decent job. It snapped together. The kids seemed to enjoy it. I was very pleased.** Most people shorter than 4 feet danced. A few taller than 4 feet danced. There was alt-country, there was alt-bluegrass, there was rockabilly, there was rock, there was alt-rock. There was flute. And it was good. My deepest thanks to everyone foolish enough to get involved. Seriously.

Prior to our set, there was music by Kati and Henry, both in tandem and as separate entities. They were both very, ridiculously, good. Then a guy named Bek played a Turkish thing that looked like Tupperware with a stick in it. He was ridiculously good. (other Turkish features of the evening included praying palms up and baklava, both of which are worth trying again)

Then us, then Rachel--also ridiculously good.

Then Hubris (Wes, Jeremy, Henry) played. Riotous! Uproar! Jeremy ran sound for the whole deal and did a superb job, then fronted with abandon. Shades of Jack Black. John Belushi kills and eats the other members of the Blues Brothers, then hires two more guys and forms a face-blasting, fuzz-drenched party band. The rare and wonderful combination of a.) guys with great chops, and b.) guys who have decided not to let taking said chops seriously get in the way of a good time.

Rarely do you go anywhere*** and see 6 acts without there being at least one stinker.. or at best, a couple performances that are pretty okay but occasionally cause you to grip the edge of your chair in embarrassment, pain, anticipation of the end, etc. But I think this really was one of those events. Wish you had all been there; thanks very much to those that were.

* WITH SPECIAL GUESTS, RRRAATT!! "..RROUND AND ROUND!!" (okay, two of five...)

** "very pleased" = "goofy happy". All became right with my personal universe for several shining moments. Sorry, that's just how I am about the rock and roll.

*** Well, maybe you do, but I don't.. either go anywhere, or see 5 acts, or not grip my chair. Certainly not a combination of all of those.

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