
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

almost famous

I'm just disappointed there wasn't room for my #10 match.. Scott Bakula.

Oh, and also about about the Andy Warhol thing. I mean.. I guess it's kind of cool. Kind of like how I share a birthday with Tom Petty. But when the game you're playing is "who do you look like?" neither one of these gentlemen are who you want in your starting lineup.


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At 6:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Apparently you look somewhat like Kevin Costner with writing on his head. :) You and Brant must have some similar qualities because you both look like "the Hoff".

I think you should put a good picture of yourself in there and see what comes up.

At 7:01 AM, Blogger caparoon said...

Most of these people I don't even recognize. Essentially, I look like a potential future cast-member on "Dancing with the Stars".

I'm not sure I have a good picture of myself.

And how 'bout that one dude that looks kind of like a lady? That's a little creepy.


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