
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

  "Punchworthy feeds our deepest Freudian wishes!" --Entertainment

  "The consumate rocker's rocker. Charming, personable... a sucking void of inescapable inner turmoil."

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Pterodactyl Like Me

Emma spent about 30 minutes this morning singing something that appeared to be a broadway musical called "Pterodactyl Like Me".

The theme was a soaring number culminating in the line, "How could you say 'no'... to a pterodactle like meeee?"

There was also quite a bit about dancing with rainbows, the sun shining on her sparkly skin, and not eating all of her friends--especially the ones that feed her. (apparently not with their own delicious flesh)

Really, it caused those who witnessed it to, I think, consider facets of the pterodactyl lifestyle that had simply never occurred to us before.

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At 11:33 AM, Blogger Bill Lewis said...

Sounds familiar. Katherine will stay in character as a baby seal or sparkly butterfly named Diamond for hours on end.

Did you know that Katherine has her own blog? I can't remember the address... Anyway, she writes a new story almost everyday. I'm sure I'll have to put up some songs eventually.


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