
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

home is where the dark kitchen is

"Home is where the heart is"
....................................hat is

Home gets associated with being the same place as a lot of "h" words are.

But I've decided that home is where you like your kitchen in the dark.

You know. It's that...
"all the lights are out except for the dim one under the oven hood... faint smell of coffe and the evening meal still lingering...
kids are in bed...

and it's time for blankets and quiet, flickering TVs and the embers of a dying fire glowing their way to ashes" ...thing.

That's how you know you've found home. It's when you like your kitchen in the dark.


At 8:06 AM, Blogger caparoon said...

try more coffe. I've found that's the solution to a lot of things.

At 8:08 AM, Blogger caparoon said...

if you're a scaredy-cat, why can't you just see in the dark.. and then not be scared? Is there something in there that's scary? (like maybe.. not enough coffee..?) Yipe! That *is* scary!


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