
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

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  "The consumate rocker's rocker. Charming, personable... a sucking void of inescapable inner turmoil."

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

alarming social trends alert.. :-(

In the same way that emoticons have wormed their way into the
written word.. ; ] .. they are now worming their way back out of
it, and into the spoken word.

For instance.. you might say to someone, "I love this song like I
love fresh, hot pancakes! (*wink*!)"


..And you would actually say the (*wink*!)... in a twinkly,
"bing!"-ing voice.. conveying the same evil, pre-manufactured cheeriness
as the disturbing microsoft/AOL(t)(c)(r) emoticons that bombard you
in every RTF/HTML chat or email program that you innocently try
to use without being cheerily bombarded.

It makes me sad.. like someone stealing grandma's fresh-baked
apple pie.. (*frowny*).




At 12:27 PM, Blogger julia said...

Ooh. I like this very much.

Very much. This could be INCREDIBLY annoying.

Besides frowny and wink, anything else...?

I like this.

At 12:32 PM, Blogger caparoon said...

To be honest, I have only heard the *wink!*.. I can only assume the frowny is coming. From you, if no one else. : ]

I was just reporting the trend.

And then it occured to me, after reporting, that it was continuing.. because I was, instead of putting emoticons (that's what you call those) into my text.. I was putting in the words *wink!*..

So you see how it's circular? I can only imagine that the next step is people carrying around little signs that display the image, and holding them up at appropriate points during the conversation.


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