
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

  "Punchworthy feeds our deepest Freudian wishes!" --Entertainment

  "The consumate rocker's rocker. Charming, personable... a sucking void of inescapable inner turmoil."

Monday, February 12, 2007

Guitar once again

I've been poking around on the Vox site again.. and Ebay... I can feel my temperature rising.. : P

Downside, though, folks... lack of funds. (wa-wa-whaa)

I've never accomplished all of the upgrading and switching around that I aluded to back on the really-long-posts-about-guitar-amps-and-tone that I am not going to link here! But I could still use a speaker upgrade, and there is one pedal that I haven't gotten my hands on yet. Also, I think I could stand an electronics upgrade on the 1500 to really smooth it out.

Unfortunately, that's $3-400 worth of stuff, and I have not $3-400.

"But dude, you could sell your vibrochamp and/or your aex500!"

Well, yes.. but the vibrochamp was an integral part of the little thing I just did with Dan.. and it was real nice. So I'm having a hard time with that idea. And, turns out, the 500 is the perfect backup and companion to Big Orange. So what's a fella to do..?


"Dear God.. I am so glad to be so blessed as to have such a stupid problem. And, actually, kinda ashamed that I even entertain it... (but could I still have about $400, free and clear..? you know.. something that you have laying around but aren't planning on feeding the starving children with?)"

Okay! And now I'm going to go meditate and pray and probably beat myself up a little bit. I guess Jesus wouldn't have beaten himself up.. so maybe not that.. but anyway... Phew! I feel a little unfocused. Waffling between "i'm a terrible person" and "if i had those upgrades, i could probably totally cop the guitar sound from Rooney's 'i'm a terrible person'..."

I need sleep. And help.

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At 7:38 AM, Blogger Steph H. said...

Did Josh and I ever tell you our theory that we could conquer the world with a really nice electric guitar and an adequate melodica? It's true.

At 10:49 AM, Blogger caparoon said...

Why no, you did not!

We're just one melodica short of a load then, sister! As I will gladly provide a really nice electric guitar for that cause.

..if you can really do it. I would give up Big Orange for a Henry-conquered world. But I would not give it up for an outside chance.

Perhaps we can arrange some kind of business presentation.


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