
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Everybody's a comedian... or an iguana.

Emma was sick all day yesterday.

Last night, after most of the carnage was over, she and her old dad hung out at the kitchen table for about an hour, swapping stories and jokes over flat Sprite and plain toast. It was a good time, and I wish I got more time like that with her.

Unfortunately, she has to be sick-unto-death before she'll slow down long enough for these kinds of conversations. : ]

All the jokes were made up on the spot. And this was my favorite:

Emma: A talking comedian walks into a bar...

Me: Aren't all comedians talking comedians?

Emma: Oh.. wait! I mean an iguana.

Me: (hysterical laughter)

I don't remember the rest of the joke. It had something to do with hitting people on the head (with a bar, of course) and blending into the background.

You know. Like how comedians do.

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