
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

  "Punchworthy feeds our deepest Freudian wishes!" --Entertainment

  "The consumate rocker's rocker. Charming, personable... a sucking void of inescapable inner turmoil."

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Trapped in the Tank: Day 3

Day 3:

I have been working out of the house for 3 days now. After some hard digging yesterday afternoon, I ventured out briefly. For supplies.

1 bottle of Tylenol, 1 bottle of Robitussin. Coffee. A bag full of Valentine's Day chocolates and 1 chinese take-out menu later, I was back at the house.

I find it increasingly more difficult to resist the voices.. calling me to leave my laptop and play guitar..


At 10:49 AM, Blogger mr_eric said...

all work and no play makes jack a dull boy


At 3:14 PM, Blogger byronfrombyron said...

Go play guitar in the snow. It'll be fun. For 5 minutes, then your fingers will freeze and stop working.

Then have a snowball fight with your children. They have to learn to play with it in case it actually comes back.

At 5:46 PM, Blogger caparoon said...

I actually played guitar today!

And I played in the snow yesterday.

But I did not play guitar in the snow.

I'm probably just too old to learn to combine these things. But perhaps the children..


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