
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

The Guide


Douglas Adams' famous "Hitchiker's Guide" series will be getting a sixth installment.

Obviously not from Adams, because he's dead.

No, the final book of the series (unless, I assume, it turns out to be incredibly lucrative) will be written by Irish author Eoin (or something like that) Colfer.

Colfer is famous for writing a children's series called "Artemis Fowl," which my kids love.

Strangely enough, I was just thinking about the Guide yesterday, trying to remember when I first picked it up, and if I could drop it on The Boy yet. ...I'm thinking that perhaps I was more aware of Some Things when I was in 6th grade than he is. Because there are Some Things in there that I don't remember being particularly startled by--but I'm betting he would. So maybe not quite yet. : [

Honestly, book 4 of the Adams series is pretty lousy, and while book 5 is much better, it is also much darker. I've never been compelled to re-read 4 and 5 (Wait.. I take that back. I re-read 4 just to see if it was really as bad as I had thought. And it was.), whereas I've read the first 3 dozens of times.

Regardless, it sounds like I'll be reading book 6 next year. There you go, Guide fans.



At 8:28 PM, Blogger Hoerman said...

YAY! :/
and i thought that the last book was a tough read...


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