
A blog whereby I motivate myself, and my readers, to punch me in the mouth.

  "Punchworthy feeds our deepest Freudian wishes!" --Entertainment

  "The consumate rocker's rocker. Charming, personable... a sucking void of inescapable inner turmoil."

Thursday, July 20, 2006


New song. I'm diggin on it in my head. Wish I had music to post along w/ the words. Best description I could give, right off the top, is that it's kind of like a sludge-core drone (like HUM or some of those folks) with a Pearl Jam ethic.

Is there anyone here
who thinks it's a bad idea
to let me think this through again?

cause to my way of thinkin
it makes perfect sense
to crash my car into your house
cause you were a jerk

Release me...
into my own recognizance
Release me...
into my own recognizance
Release me...
into my own .. into my old ..

Is there anyone here
who think it's suddenly all gone clear
and I can think this through again?

(i need) a new way of thinkin
to throw this in reverse
i'm walkin out of here right now
nobody gets hurt

Release me...
into my own recognizance
Release me...
into my own recognizance
Release me...
into my own .. into my old .. (i need a)

New way! It's new to think it through (i need a)
New way! It's new to think it through (i need a new)
New way! It's new to think it through (i need a)
New way! It's new.

Release me...
into my own recognizance
Release me...
into my own recognizance
Release me...
into my own recognizance
Release me...
into my own.. into my old recognizance

Ch out (acapella)
Release me...
into my own recognizance
Release me...
into my own recognizance
Release me...
into my own.. into my old recognizance
into my own.. into my old recognizance
into my own.. into my old recogniznace.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Workin' for the weekend

I put in a grueling 3-day week, and headed for the weekend.

After a 3-day week without my right-hand person, spent mostly moving stuff out of my largish office into a small (not "smallish". really very small.) cubicle by the window, and getting everyone else moved into their new digs, I'm feeling pretty decent about work.

Yeah, it's definitely a challenge, and I'm a little wigged out by it, but I think it's gonna be okay. I've really got some good people working for me, and there is a lot of butt to be kicked.
By us. Me and the people.

And if there's one thing I like to be doing, it's kicking a lot of butt. Especially if no one is expecting me to. So that's a good thing. A motivational thing. Which even makes me want to get up early and go to work. So yay for me! Suckers!!

: ]] Okay, okay! I know that was wrong, and I apologize for my bad behavior. You are not suckers. It's still yay for me, but I think we all know I've got plenty of time under my "whyohwhydearLordmustIgetupthismorning?" belt, and I'm sure it'll pop back up before I'm done working. So I'm probably due a little inappropriate celebration. BUT.. let me celebrate my good fortune again, this time without being a jerk...


Okay, done. Nothing like a good "Idon'tmindgettingupinthemorning" dance around the living room.

When I arrived... (at the weekend. after a grueling 3-day work week) ...things were pretty decent. We took off Friday evening, ate an unbelievably greasy double-cheese-somethingthatpurportstobeaburger at McD's, and headed out to the campground. My brother-in-law, Kevin, was already out there, with tons of delicious food, some firewood, and two tents already set up.

We spent Friday night at the campground, and everybody pretty much had a good time. It wasn't even too bad having all those kids around! They had a lot of fun, and didn't even require us to take them to the emergency room. Which frankly, I had sort of secretly suspected they would. We ate great food, had a nice fire, played games, and enjoyed some good conversation and time together.

After turning in for the night, we listened to the 'coons rifle through the garbage, drifted off to sleep, and got up bright and early for a delicious egg & taters breakfast! Lunch and other frivolities followed. Including eucher (sp?). Which I enjoyed, despite not having a clue what I was doing. The whole thing broke up around 3, and we headed back for the homestead. And now here we are, eating cereal, getting clean, and preparing for some rest.

Oh. And our air conditioner is (still) broken. : (

But the weather is delightful! Yay for me!


Saturday, July 01, 2006

oh man...

I know, I know. I really need to update the blog.

It turns out that taking over the world, whether through apathy or more aggressive measures, is quite consuming.

Short update on life in general:

* I am now a departmental manager at work; "Manager, Direct Marketing and Leads Management". I actually like this. I should be committed. (take that however you like)

* I went our our annual fishing vacation with the family. It was a good time. The fish were out of their minds, biting like wild animals. .. Wait. They are wild animals! I ate a lot. It was pleasant, but not long enough, and I didn't spend enough time alone with Deb.

* I have less to do than I ever have in my life, and I'm still pretty busy. What's up with that?

* Mom & Dad bought us one of those soft-sided backyard pools. With it's own filter and everything. We spent most of the day in it today, and are slowly becoming pool people. My hair is clownlike. ..but kind of in a cool 80's rock band way. So I guess not cool at all. Whatever. It's entertainment, for sure.

* My acoustic guitar has a crack in the finish, but I think it's OK. I have been playing a lot lately, and I'm planning on starting to chase down opportunities to play out here in the next week or so. I might actually know what I'm doing.

* I am trying to buy a delay pedal. The time has come for delay! (ooh.. that'd make a good album name or sumthin.) I also have had a song in my head for about a full week. It will require some rocking. Guess I'll have to plug in sometime over the long weekend.

* I have a long weekend. No work 'til Wednesday! (I think that was an album name.. maybe something from Loverboy.)

That's all I've got for now. Maybe some more sometime this weekend, if I'm not just partying so hard that I can't... break... free!

later, taters!